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Zee Doehling

Stride Presentation Link


Stride was created during a weekend hackathon design competition called The Collegiate Cup hosted by Georgia Tech. Three other designers and myself set down Friday night to brainstorm barriers of computer equity in the state of Georgia. Through a series of design questions and trying to solve “the real issues” that have gone unnoticed our team landed on assisting 1st generation students excel in the public school system.

Brief Process Summary

While we hypothesized there may be barriers within the school system for 1st generation students and even had the first hand testimony of a fellow team member, we started to research statistics provided by the Georgia Board of Education to ensure our hypothesis was backed by data. What we found through our data and interview research was that many 1st generation students lack guidance and mentorship afforded to other students. Over the next 48 hours we could create program flesh out the idea, create program branding, and design a pitch video we could take to the Georgia Board or investors.